Miss Jessi
2009-07-30 19:29:47 UTC
if your significant other had told you for the past months, every time
you asked as they were looking online for used cars, that they were
not interested in buying a car... then the same day that you asked
that, they came home with a new car, without telling you they were
even going to go look at the car, would you be pissed? what if you
found out the next day through coworkers at work?

question two... what if your significant other was looking online at
animal websites to get a new dog. what if you asked them repeatedly if
they were thinking about getting a dog, and they constantly said no.
then you take off an afternoon off of work. come to find out, since
you were not at work, your significant other went to fremont and
bought a dog that is half husky and part wolf... (which is illegal in
the first place i believe.) and then did not tell you about it for a
week. You also hear of this "purchase" through a coworker.

Both times lets say you confronted them about it and you were told by
that person that YOU were in the wrong for feeling a little lied to
and betrayed. Do you think you would be in the wrong for being upset?
Would either of the situations matter, (it being a car or an animal)
on how you would react?

...all hypothetical of course...
* You received this post because you are subscribed to "Lincoln and Beyond" (LAB), a relaxed, file-friendly discussion group about anything under the sun. Most members live or have lived in Lincoln, Nebraska. LAB was founded at Yahoo! Groups in September 2004 and moved to Google Groups in March 2005, where it has since remained. LAB is the largest group of its kind, with over 47,500 posts from countless contributors.
* To start a new thread on LAB, compose e-mail to Lincoln-and-***@googlegroups.com. Replies can also be made to any thread, including this one. To change subscription settings, visit http://groups.google.com/group/lincoln-and-beyond/subscribe
* Please note that LAB is actively archived, and all posts may be publicly accessible through search engines or by other means. In other words, any and all LAB content is likely to never disappear.
Chris Landreth
2009-07-30 20:06:25 UTC
I guess it would depend if we lived together. If not, then I wouldn't care
what they did in their own company.
Post by Miss Jessi
if your significant other had told you for the past months, every time
you asked as they were looking online for used cars, that they were
not interested in buying a car... then the same day that you asked
that, they came home with a new car, without telling you they were
even going to go look at the car, would you be pissed? what if you
found out the next day through coworkers at work?
question two... what if your significant other was looking online at
animal websites to get a new dog. what if you asked them repeatedly if
they were thinking about getting a dog, and they constantly said no.
then you take off an afternoon off of work. come to find out, since
you were not at work, your significant other went to fremont and
bought a dog that is half husky and part wolf... (which is illegal in
the first place i believe.) and then did not tell you about it for a
week. You also hear of this "purchase" through a coworker.
Both times lets say you confronted them about it and you were told by
that person that YOU were in the wrong for feeling a little lied to
and betrayed. Do you think you would be in the wrong for being upset?
Would either of the situations matter, (it being a car or an animal)
on how you would react?
...all hypothetical of course...
* You received this post because you are subscribed to "Lincoln and Beyond" (LAB), a relaxed, file-friendly discussion group about anything under the sun. Most members live or have lived in Lincoln, Nebraska. LAB was founded at Yahoo! Groups in September 2004 and moved to Google Groups in March 2005, where it has since remained. LAB is the largest group of its kind, with over 47,500 posts from countless contributors.
* To start a new thread on LAB, compose e-mail to Lincoln-and-***@googlegroups.com. Replies can also be made to any thread, including this one. To change subscription settings, visit http://groups.google.com/group/lincoln-and-beyond/subscribe
* Please note that LAB is actively archived, and all posts may be publicly accessible through search engines or by other means. In other words, any and all LAB content is likely to never disappear.
Andrew Capps
2009-07-30 21:40:09 UTC
Depends on how serious we were. If I were dating them for the sake of
dating, whatever. If we were serious, I would be upset. If anything is going
to amount of this relationship, you should talk about things, especially
financial obligations and things such as a new pet. Lying to you about it
and then saying it is your fault... well, you're the second person this week
who has told me their significant other takes something they did wrong and
blames it on them and I will give you the same advice I gave them.... leave.
Life is short and to not enjoy it is a waste. Move on.
Post by Miss Jessi
if your significant other had told you for the past months, every time
you asked as they were looking online for used cars, that they were
not interested in buying a car... then the same day that you asked
that, they came home with a new car, without telling you they were
even going to go look at the car, would you be pissed? what if you
found out the next day through coworkers at work?
question two... what if your significant other was looking online at
animal websites to get a new dog. what if you asked them repeatedly if
they were thinking about getting a dog, and they constantly said no.
then you take off an afternoon off of work. come to find out, since
you were not at work, your significant other went to fremont and
bought a dog that is half husky and part wolf... (which is illegal in
the first place i believe.) and then did not tell you about it for a
week. You also hear of this "purchase" through a coworker.
Both times lets say you confronted them about it and you were told by
that person that YOU were in the wrong for feeling a little lied to
and betrayed. Do you think you would be in the wrong for being upset?
Would either of the situations matter, (it being a car or an animal)
on how you would react?
...all hypothetical of course...
* You received this post because you are subscribed to "Lincoln and Beyond" (LAB), a relaxed, file-friendly discussion group about anything under the sun. Most members live or have lived in Lincoln, Nebraska. LAB was founded at Yahoo! Groups in September 2004 and moved to Google Groups in March 2005, where it has since remained. LAB is the largest group of its kind, with over 47,500 posts from countless contributors.
* To start a new thread on LAB, compose e-mail to Lincoln-and-***@googlegroups.com. Replies can also be made to any thread, including this one. To change subscription settings, visit http://groups.google.com/group/lincoln-and-beyond/subscribe
* Please note that LAB is actively archived, and all posts may be publicly accessible through search engines or by other means. In other words, any and all LAB content is likely to never disappear.
